Vanilla Coffee Cream 990 Ft
espresso 1 gombóc vanília fagyival / espresso with 1 scoop vanilla ice cream
Chocolate Coffee Cream 990 Ft
espresso 1 gombóc mexikói csoki fagyival / espresso with 1 scoop mexican chocolate ice cream
Caramel Coffee Cream 990 Ft
espresso 1 gombóc sós karamell fagyival / espresso with 1 scoop salty caramel ice cream
Cookies Coffee Cream 990 Ft
espresso 1 gombóc csokis keksz fagyival / espresso with 1 scoop chocolate cookies ice cream
Nutella Coffee Cream 990 Ft
espresso 1 gombóc nutella fagyival / espresso with 1 scoop nutella ice cream
Vanilla Ice Coffee 2190 Ft
espresso, tej, vanília fagyi, vanília szirup, jég, tejszínhab / espresso, milk, vanilla syrup, vanilla ice cream, ice, whipped cream
Chocolate Ice Coffee 2190 Ft
espresso, tej, mexikói csoki fagyi, csokoládéöntet, tejszínhab / espresso, milk, mexican chocolate ice cream, chocolate sauce, whipped cream
Caramel Ice Coffee 2190 Ft
espresso, tej, sós karamell fagyi, sós karamellöntet, tejszínhab / espresso, milk, salty caramel ice cream, salty caramel sauce, whipped cream
Cookies Ice Coffee 2190 Ft
espresso, tej, csokis keksz fagyi, csokoládéöntet, tejszínhab, csokis keksz / espresso, milk, chocolate cookies ice cream, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, chocolate cookies
Nutella Ice Coffee 2190 Ft
espresso, tej, Nutella fagyi, csokoládéöntet, tejszínhab, Nutella / spresso, milk, Nutella ice cream, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, Nutella
A kép illusztráció!